Annual General Meeting

2025 AGM Notification

Te Papa Museum, Wellington

Date: TBC - Monday 26 May 2025 @ 2.00pm

Rules for the Annual General Meeting

  1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in March, April, May or June, in conjunction with an annual Conference, which will be held at a venue decided by the Executive.

  2. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:
    - Confirmation of minutes
    - Presentation of Annual Report and audited Accounts
    - Consideration of any motions, notice of which has been given in accordance with Rules
    - Reports (if any)
    - Election of Officers and Executive Members
    - Appointment of Auditor and Honorary Solicitor
    - General Business
    - Setting of subscriptions and levies as required

  3. A special General Meeting shall be called on receipt of a requisition signed by the Executive on its own motion, or a written requisition signed by not less than ten (10) financial Full Members, setting out the object of such Meeting.

  4. Special Business which may be considered at either the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting shall include:
    - The alteration, suspension or annulment of any of these Rules
    - The addition of a new rule
    - The expulsion of any Officer or Member
    - The expression of no confidence in the Executive or any Officer
    - The moving, without notice of motion, on matters of extreme urgency, provided this shall not include the alteration or annulment of any of these Rules

  5. Written notice of all General Meetings shall be advised to all Members at least six (6) weeks before the date of the Meeting and shall specify the date, place and time of the Meeting.  Remits concerning changes to the Rules must reach the Secretary at least one month before the date of the Meeting.  Full details of the business to be transacted, including any remits seeking changes to the Rules and, in the case of the Annual General Meeting, the audited accounts of the Association, shall be forwarded to all Members at least fourteen (14) days before the date of the Meeting.

  6. The quorum at any General Meeting shall be 30% of financial Full Members.

  7. Only Full Members shall be eligible to vote at such Meetings, provided they are financial at the commencement of the Meeting.  Voting shall be in person only except for the election of officers and executive members which may also be by postal ballot

  8. Subject to Rule 6.10 all ordinary business of any General Meeting shall be decided by a bare majority of those present and eligible to vote, and shall be by voices or a show of hands unless any Member calls for a ballot, but all Special Business shall be decided by a two thirds majority of the voting power.

  9. All financial Members and Life Members shall have the right to speak at General Meetings.

  10. Where these Rules provide that a matter may be voted on by postal ballot, the Executive may determine from time to time that the matter will be voted on by postal ballot.  Where this is the case, the matter, if it is ordinary business, shall be decided by a two thirds majority of those eligible to vote.