Official Information Requests
When receiving an OIA, please request confirmation of eligibility from the person making an OIA request.
Once eligibility is confirmed (and the identity of the requester known), schools will be able to charge for the official information found here.
How much you charge would depend on your local circumstances, so please read the advice carefully if you intend to charge.
In April 2023, Umbrella Wellbeing conducted a survey with the help of SPANZ members. Survey findings can be found here.
There is a full range of their services offered here.
Umbrella Wellbeing has crafted a free wellbeing plan here.
If you would like to speak to someone from Umbrella Wellbeing, please find below contact details below;
0800 643 000
Dr. Dougal Sutherland, Chief Executive, Registered Clinical Psychologist
p: 0800 643 000
m: 021 520 027
e: w: