Our People

SPANZ is governed by our Executive members, who with their schools dedicate their time to ensuring principals are well looked after.

Vaughan Couillault
Principal at Papatoetoe High School, Auckland

E: Vaughan@spanz.school.nz
M: 027 454 7995

Scott Haines
Vice President
Principal at Burnside High School, Christchurch

E: Scott@spanz.school.nz
M: 027 255 9045

Louise Ānaru
Vice President
Principal at Kaitaia College, Kaitaia Northland

E: Louise@spanz.school.nz
M: 027 555 5088


Ngaire Ashmore
Māori Executive representative
Principal at Auckland Girls’ Grammar School, Auckland

E: nashmore@aggs.school.nz
M: 027 226 3854

Dawn Ackroyd
Principal at Napier Girls’ High School, Napier

E: dackroyd@nghs.school.nz
M: 021 763 162

Vicki Barrie
Principal at Northcote College, Auckland

E: v.barrie@northcote.school.nz
M: 021 486 638


Mike Newell
Principal at James Hargest College, Invercargill

E: Mike@spanz.school.nz
M: 021 331 173

Alec Solomon
Principal at Whangarei Boys’ High School, Whangarei

E: a.solomon@wbhs.school.nz
M: 021 265 0697

Greg Thornton
Principal at Cambridge High School, Cambridge

E: gt@camhigh.school.nz
M: 021 443 658


Suzy Acar-Reynolds
Executive Manager

E: Suzy@spanz.school.nz
M: 021 909 493

Rebekah Clearwater
Executive Assistant

E: Rebekah@spanz.school.nz
M: 021 279 0102